Solidarity For Palestine, We are a coalition of Muslim hackers in solidarity for Palestine. The Palestinian people have been suffering for a long time, their land was confiscated, their families were killed, they were driven out of their own homes and were quartered in their own land since. This has been going on for decades, not a day or two. Where are the great world leaders? Even though Muslim countries are often bullied and looked down upon, but for our religion, our brothers and sisters, we are still united and will not be divided. We believe that one day a great war will take place and victory will be on our side. Turn away you who are blind from this truth. We warn you, we will continue to attack digitally until you realize that no matter how big you are, you are still small compared to the religion of Islam.
Bit by bit, you will fall, and not a bit will be left!

"Blood is rewarded with blood." #Hamas

| Jack0x3 | Nightmare666 | Fleur | WakHarlem | KicapAdabi | XDanZoner | Ta.Rimurus | XiiMask | AnonMank |

#StucxTeam #TaufanAlAqsa #OpsIsrael V3.0 #OpIsraelEngaged #Stand4Muslim #EagleCyberCrew #CyberWatcher #Ninjaforces #RogojampiHacktivist #indonesiananonymous #jatimredstormxploit #GB_ANON_17 #HostKillCrew #GarnesiaTeam #Esteem_Restoration_Eagle #Padang_System_Error #Cyber_Error_System #INFINITE_INSIGHT.ID #SHARK_TEAM #KUNINGAN_EXPLOITER #GARUDA_SECURITY #JATIM_RedStorm_Xploit #JAMBI_CYBER_TEAM #MINONS_CYBER_TEAM #NETWORKSEC #HIZBULLAH_CYB3R_TEAM #Islamic_Cyber_Team #INDONESIA_HACKER #TeamR70 #Hacktivist_Indonesia #Cyber_Dark_Sistem #JawaBaratErrorNetwork #KetapangGrayHat #ACEH_ABOUT_HACKED #TheVirusComunity #Crazy_Cyber_Team #pentakillteam

Indonesia X Malaysia Hacktivists